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Why did the coal chemical industry experience "change gears"?

2017-08-14 16:57:20    

As of August 22nd, China has been flagging coal oil project 7, coal gas project 12. It is estimated that by 2020, these projects will be put into production, will lead to explosive growth of domestic coal oil and gas production capacity.
At the same time, the recent national development and Reform Commission to study and formulate "on the norms of coal, oil, coal, natural gas industry, scientific and orderly development of the notice" and other related documents, raising the threshold of coal chemical industry access. Experts believe that this is the state before the development of coal chemical overheating adjustment.
The rapid development of the coal chemical industry why encountered "change"? Is the development of coal chemical industry an opportunity or a challenge for traditional energy companies? What kind of regional coal chemical projects can enterprises achieve effective development? The sober thinking in the thermal development of coal chemical industry is particularly important.
Adjust the pace of development, avoid planning heat into investment heat
Previously, China petroleum and Chemical Industry Deputy Secretary General Hu Qianlin had said: "the Federation of modern coal chemical industry has great economic advantages in high price, will become a magic weapon for the local government to promote economic development, the development of the risk of overheating."
This is closely related to the structure of multi coal, less oil and less gas resources in china. In China, the coal chemical project can not only guarantee the diversification of oil and gas and the strategic security of energy, but also promote the efficient utilization of coal. In the past few years, the scale of China's modern coal chemical industry has grown rapidly, the demonstration project has been operating steadily, the industrial concentration has been improved significantly, and breakthroughs have been made in key technologies and equipment research and development. However, China is still in the primary stage of coal chemical development.
The pollution problem of coal chemical industry has not been solved yet, and the technical reliability and project economy of coal chemical industry have yet to be considered. "This notice was introduced in order to adjust the pace of coal chemical development, avoid planning heat into investment heat, and promote the scientific and standardized development of coal chemical industry." Hu gave his understanding.
In addition, the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, Deputy Secretary General of the coal chemical Specialized Committee Wang Xiujiang also said: "at present, the key to the development of coal chemical industry is quality development, but also" measuring water. "". At the national level, supervision and examination and approval should be strengthened to avoid waste of resources and repeated construction. Enterprise level should ensure project safety, stability, long cycle, full load and optimal operation to ensure continuous benefit."

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